John is a National Notary Association Certified Loan Singing Agent and can offer efficient and timely professional services to the mortgage industry. He values integrity and client service and you can be assured that you’re getting a dependable and professional signing agent for whatever your needs may be.
John Kopilow Phone : 707-242-1625 Fax : 707-636-8401 Email : [email protected]

Don’t forget-John is also a Registered and Bonded Legal Document Assistant who is experienced in doing Deed Preparation. He can offer solutions for a variety of mortgage related needs.
. I am available to come to your office or home. Loan signing notarization currently not offered.
. Rate is $15 per signature plus applicable travel fee. Will vary by location.
. Covering Napa, Solano, Contra Costa and Alameda Counties.
. Flexible Availability. Call John at 707-812-3666.

Our Services
Legal Document Professionals & Notary Service is committed to providing you timely & cost effective solutions in the areas of:
Simple Living Trusts
We provide you with a detailed living trust; pour over will, health care directive, certification of trust; power of attorney, Schedule of Assets; preparation of one deed and an organizer for easy access. Our fee of $785.00 for a single person and $945.00 for a couple includes notarization and recording fees.
We provide complete document preparation and filing services and keep you updated on all developments. Our flat fee is $4300.00 and includes document preparation; newspaper publication and copies/mailings. Additional fees may apply depending on the case. This does not include filing; appraisal and service fees.
Deed Preparation
We will prepare; complete and record your deed for you. Our fee will vary from $150.00 to $200.00 depending on the nature of property ownership. This includes notarization and recording fees.
Marriage/Domestic Partnership Dissolutions & Legal Separations
We have two levels of service that we offer:
1)$200.00 flat fee Document Preparation only-We will only prepare all necessary documents from filing to case conclusion. You will be responsible for all filings and process of service.
2)$520.00 all included-We will do all document preparation; process of service; filing and notarization from beginning to conclusion. (filing fee not included)
Evictions (also known as unlawful detainers)
We have two levels of service that we offer:
1)$200.00 flat fee Document Preparation only-We will only prepare all necessary documents from filing to case conclusion. You will be responsible for all filings and process of service.
2) $640.00 all included-We will do all document preparation; process of service and filing from beginning to conclusion. (filing fee not included)
LLC Formation
Our $250 flat fee includes all documents and mailings necessary to establish your LLC. This fee does not include any applicable State fees.