Legal Document Professionals & Notary Service is committed to providing you timely & cost effective solutions in the areas of: Living Trusts/Wills, Evictions, Probate, Conservatorships, LLC formation, Marriage/Domestic Partnership Dissolution
Legal Document Professionals & Notary Service
John Kopilow, Legal Document Assistant & Notary Public
“The experience you pay for, the heart you get for free”
John Kopilow
Phone : 707-242-1625
Fax : 515-724-6112
Email : [email protected]
“We are not attorneys & can provide self-help services only at your specific direction”

We provide you with a detailed living trust; pour over will, health care and financial powers of attorney, certification of trust; preparation, notarization and recording of one deed and an organizer for easy access. Our fee of $750.00 for a single person and $950.00 for a couple includes notarization and recording fees.
We provide complete document preparation and filing services and keep you updated on all developments. Our flat fee is $4300.00 and includes document preparation; newspaper publication and copies/mailings. Additional fees may apply depending on the case. This does not include filing; appraisal and service fees.
probate legal document service napa sonoma california
Deed Preparation notarization Napa Sonoma California
Deed Preparation
We will prepare; complete and record your deed for you. Our fee will vary from $150.00 to $200.00 depending on the nature of property ownership. This includes notarization and recording fees.
Marriage/Domestic Partnership Dissolutions Divorce Napa Sonoma CA
Marriage/Domestic Partnership Dissolutions & Legal Separations
We have two levels of service that we offer:
1)$200.00 flat fee Document Preparation only-We will only prepare all necessary documents from filing to case conclusion. You will be responsible for all filings and process of service.
2)$600.00 all included-We will do all document preparation; process of service; filing and notarization from beginning to conclusion. (filing fee not included)
Evictions (also known as unlawful detainers)
We have two levels of service that we offer:
1)$200.00 flat fee Document Preparation only-We will only prepare all necessary documents from filing to case conclusion. You will be responsible for all filings and process of service.
2) $640.00 all included-We will do all document preparation; process of service and filing from beginning to conclusion. (filing fee not included)
LLC formation Paralegal legal document napa sonoma california
LLC Formation
Our $250 flat fee includes all documents and mailings necessary to establish your LLC. This fee does not include any applicable State fees.